Microsoft Considers NVIDIA and AMD GPUs for AI Projects

To do tasks quickly, artificial intelligence needs specialised solutions with large computer power. There aren’t many choices available, at least not right now. NVIDIA is now the greatest option for AI, says Microsoft’s CTO. Additionally, he wanted to draw attention to AMD’s appealing solutions and the expanding overall offer.

The artificial intelligence market has exploded and generates billions of dollars annually. In order to be able to run the calculations required for AI, specialised infrastructure is where the most money is being spent.

Microsoft between AMD and NVIDIA

NVIDIA H100 cards are currently the most popular and are utilised to create AI systems. They provide excellent computing power that is unique to this technology, which is why. They consequently faced a harsh demand, which tipped the supply chain’s scales out of balance.

An NVIDIA H100 delivery wait time of up to six months was reportedly reported a few months ago. Due to supply issues, even the company’s GPUs are starting to seem problematic. Rapid progress has been made, and it now appears that the supply is optical.

Kevin Scott, CTO of Microsoft , highlights that NVIDIA GPUs are starting to become more “easily” available. He highlights that the situation in the supply chain has improved.

Demand far exceeded the supply of GPU capacity the entire ecosystem could produce.

That is being resolved. It’s still tight, but it’s getting better every week and we have more good news than bad on that front, which is great.

Kevin Scott, CTO of Microsoft

Microsoft, on the other hand, aims to incorporate generative AI into its foundational operating systems and programmes. anything that has gained popularity as a result of significant investment in OpenAI’s ChatGPT artificial intelligence language.

This technique necessitates a significant amount of computational power, which is where the NVIDIA AI chips come in. These solutions are considerably superior to the competitors in terms of performance/price ratio.

Scott emphasised that AMD is completing the creation of genuinely alluring AI products. He emphasises the benefits of competition:

They are making increasingly attractive GPU offerings that I think will become increasingly important to the market in the coming years.

Kevin Scott, CTO of Microsoft

Can it affect video game fans?

It appears that NVIDIA won’t give up its primary revenue stream. The business has always provided a broad range of solutions for various market areas. Though it’s possible that AI becomes the primary revenue stream, in theory there shouldn’t be any stock issues for the game industry.

The business must stay awake at all times if it is to maintain its position as the market leader. AMD has recently been able to advance their graphics cards at top speed. They are complemented by outstanding technology like AMD FreeSync or FSR, and their performance keeps improving.

Source > Wccftech

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