Leaked specifications of AMD Ryzen 8000 processors

We have become accustomed to the fact that new families of processors (and graphics cards) must be launched every year. This doesn’t make much sense, since getting the most out of it can be very difficult. Well, some slides have just been leaked showing the first data on the AMD Ryzen 8000 processors that will be based on the Zen 5 architecture.

Ryzen processors are based on a set of DIE called CCDs, which is where the cores are housed. These CCDs, in turn, can be divided into CCX subsets, which would divide the DIE into two parts.

We are talking about a somewhat complete design that allows the company to simply scale the number of cores. What this design allows is to design and manufacture processors with a high core count very easily.

Zen 5 architecture data leaked

Internally, manufacturers often hold briefings on the company’s present and future. These presentations or talks are of an internal and confidential nature, which cannot be revealed. But occasionally, leaks of these talks appear that contain a lot of relevant information.

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Specifically, Moore’s Law is Dead has had access to slides from an internal AMD presentation. These refer to the Zen 5 architecture that is expected to be used in the Ryzen 8000 processors. 

The slides show that the Zen 5 architecture is internally known as “Nirvana” and the CCDs , where we have the cores, are called “Eldora” . The Zen 5 architecture CDD suite will give life to the Granite Ridge (Ryzen 8000) and Turin (AMD EPYC) processors.

The question remains as to what the processors for laptops that will be based on the Zen 5c architecture will be like . Here we will have CCX sets made up of power cores and efficiency cores , like the current Intel Core. It is possible that the power cores are the “Eldora”.

The names are irrelevant, you probably want to know what they will contribute. Well, Zen 5 would improve the CPI by 10-15% compared to Zen 4 (Ryzen 7000). The L1D cache will also increase, going from the current 32 KB to 48 KB. They will also gain the ability to perform FP-512 floating point operations.

Leaving aside these data that surely do not interest you much, you should know that we could have Ryzen 8000 processors with 32 cores . According to the image, we will have CCX with 16 cores, double that of the current Zen 4 architecture. Taking into account that a processor can house two CCX, the account tells us that we could have processors with up to 32 cores. It means destroying the current Intel processors.

A fact that is quite revealing

These slides give extremely interesting information. Apparently, the Zen 3 (Ryzen 5000) and Zen 5 architectures have a new core design, while the Zen 4 (Ryzen 7000) and the upcoming Zen 6 are leveraged cores. In a simple way, we can say that the Zen 4 cores are a revision of the Zen 3, an optimization.

“Morpheus”, which is the code name for Zen 6, will offer a 10% improvement over Zen 5. This is because they are an “update”, they would not be cores redesigned from scratch.

Curiously, this is quite reminiscent of “Intel Tic-Toc”. For those who don’t remember, Intel introduced a new manufacturing process (Tic) and then launched processors with an improved version (Toc). This mechanism was broken with 14nm lithography, as the 10nm process had many problems.


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