China’s Vision: World Leader in Humanoid Robot Production by 2025

China has declared its intention to start producing advanced humanoid robots in large quantities by 2025. China wants to build humanoid robots that can “reshape the world,” according to a paper released last week by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of the nation.

According to China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), “disruptive” technology like electric automobiles and smartphones will also include humanoid robots. The objective is to produce sophisticated robots on a big scale that can carry out challenging jobs in a variety of industries. Although there aren’t many specifics in the document, it makes China’s lofty goals in this area quite evident. Some Chinese businesses have already started moving in the direction of this objective.

For example, the humanoid robot Fourier Intelligence, a company, has stated that later this year it will start mass producing the GR-1. By 2024, the business hopes to supply thousands of these robots, which can lift 50 kg and move at 5 km/h. Robo-humans are being developed by multinational conglomerates like Tesla. Elon Musk released the prototype for the Optimus in 2021. To achieve large-scale production, Tesla must still complete a number of phases.

By 2025, China wants to develop mass-produced humanoid robots, but experts don’t think it’s possible.

The creation of genuinely advanced and helpful humanoid robots is still extremely difficult, according to experts. Bipedal robots need to be able to move steadily on many types of surfaces, handle objects with ease, and carry out duties in human-designed surroundings. Advanced humanoid robots have a wide range of possible uses, including logistics, household, elder care, and much more. Regarding the actual technical viability and the time required to achieve mass manufacturing, there are still questions.

China seems to have taken this action in an effort to obtain a strategic edge in a vital high-tech industry. Notwithstanding, experts caution that the nation may encounter noteworthy challenges concerning a lack of expertise. Although a number of experts concur that humanoid robots will eventually become commonplace, the precise moment will rely on how quickly technology improves, which currently seem to be limited. Though it seems optimistic, China’s ambitious agenda makes it quite evident that the nation is very interested in this technology.
